Monday, November 11, 2013

 To be completely honest I have absolutely no idea where this week went...there wasn`t even any big events...oh well here`s the cool stuff that happened:)

So we ended up having a miracle slash gift baptism this what happened is one of the youth in our ward had there records lost and was trying to go to the temple, soooooo we got to rebaptize her and it counted as a convert:) I am not like extremely focused on numbers but it was pretty cool:)

So I forgot to tell you guys that the suit factory for JC Penny and JO S Bank is in my area, sooo basically I can buy a suit for about 55 dollars. A suit that probably would be about 200-400 in the store...I think I`m gonna go for it:) I`m thinking about a charcoal colored one...

So we have 2 golden investigators. One of them is actually a Jehovah`s witness...crazy! So she is actually progressing a ton, and its pretty cool, because I realized this week that if you believe in Christ, then the Church makes a ton of logical sense:)

So we have transfers this week! And my companion is going! I'm going to miss him, but I am excited to take over our area and see how hard I can work:) We have our transfers on Tuesdays, so Ill find out comp thinks I might would be awesome and I know I would learn a bumload:) It actually is quite possible because I heard that there are about 40 missionaries coming in, and there are only 120 missionaries or something in our mission...whatever it is I know that I will trust in what the Lord has in store for me!!:)

Well that`s all folks! Until next week!

Elder Paz

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Well this week went by real fast! Ester had problems and well didn't end up getting baptized...but we haven't lost hope! she needs i...