Monday, October 27, 2014

 Hey fam!

Well this week went out with bang with the baptisms of Laura, Natàn, and Angel! Everything went well and 3 more souls entered the Kingdom of God!

Well me and my companion are getting along fine, we had some differences in ideas at first, but now we are doing fine and finding that balance of work:)

Our area didn´t seem to progress a ton this week, so this week we will really be working on finding new people that are chosen from God. It would be awesome if you guys could pray for the Badillo family!

Oh I learned something super incredible this week. So I was reading a talk that talks about how to make our exaltation a sure thing while we are still in this life. In one part it quoted a scripture from 2nd Peter 1:5-10 or something like that. It talks about the order of gaining attributes of Christ goes like this: faith, then, virtue, then knowledge, then patience,  then godliness, then brotherly kindness, and then charity. For a long part of my mission I had been wondering why I couldn't obtain a certain attribute of Christ. Now I understand that maybe there is an order to things, and that it is impossible to have charity if we aren't patient, and impossible to knowledge if we don't first have virtue. We seek many things in this life, but we can't ever skip something to get another, there is a natural and holy order to all things of God.

I love you all!

Elder Paz

Monday, October 20, 2014

 Hey kids!

Well I am officially back in the city! I actually came back to the same zone that I was in when I was in Zumpango, my area is called Tecamac. Its so small than what I've been used to. I went from several whole towns to a couple of suburbs and now we are on bikes, thinking of you pap. Its pretty fun on the bikes, I am getting pretty good:)

This week I really need you all to pray for Natán, Laura, and Angel. They will be baptized this weekend!

So my companion is Elder Vique, he is from Veracruz, Mexico. He has the same time as I do in the field. We are working really hard and having success:) I'm excited and know that we are going to do awesome together:)

So we had a really cool lesson yesterday before church. We were looking for a less active and we contacted a protestant family. Their daughter is really sick and they were very humble. We had a super powerful lesson and we committed then to baptism as the Spirit poured itself out in that little house. We see a ton of progress in this family! Please pray for them! Their names are Saul and Ana.

Oh and our house is awesome. It has tiled floors that are pretty nice and a hardwood floor staircase. A full kitchen, even with an oven. A lot better that the table and electric burner that plugs into the wall that I have usually had. it has a gas stove top. 

Love you all!

Elder Paz

Monday, October 13, 2014

 Well I've got changes...this is the worst! I'm leaving 7 people that are just amazing, my favorite area in the whole mission, a ton of progress, and a ton of hard work. I love this area, I have seen a ton of growth in it and it is going to be extremely hard to leave. I got here and there was hardly anything. In my short time here we were able to excite the ward, about double the size of our area, and get put on a solid track to having a branch here. I truly love these people, and I love this life, and I love God!

 Hello family!

Well this week was just great:)

This last weekend Gustavo and Aurora were baptized! One more family into the Kingdom of God! What a wonderful thing is baptism. Every time I get to be a part of one it just feels me up with complete joy:) I do not ever want to lose that feeling, I just always want to feel for the rest of my life:) I think that sometimes we think that the work of Salvation is just for the missionaries, but we should all know now that it really is the Work of all of us! When I get back from this amazing place which is the mission field, I do not ever want to stop expanding and fortifying the Kingdom of God. I want you all to thing long and hard about your duty as a disciple of Christ, and then share this message with someone! Everybody needs to read the section 60 of Doctrine and Covenants, and then lose their fear and help God with this great Work! The Apostle Alvin R. Dyer said that we as members of the Church came to this world to bring souls to God. Not just our soul, but SOULS. And oh what joy it is to do so! To see a family enter those baptismal waters is maybe the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen, and I want all of you as well to feel that feeling! You need to feel it! 

So this week we did our first real contacting in La Loma. it was just like the olden times:) We talked with the first resident that we saw and they immediately accepted to listen. We went to their house and found another wonderful family that are very interested to hear this great message:) What a fantastic thing it is to be  a disciple of Christ, which we all are:)

Prayer list: Jimenez Garcia family, Lorena, Maria, Lidia, Yesenia and Franklin, Williams and Maria del Carmen

Well today is a changes day. I do not know what will happen yet, but I will be sure to let you all know one way or the other.

Never forget your great and marvelous duty to bring souls to God! I love you all!

Elder Paz

Monday, October 6, 2014

 Hello family and friends!

Well this week was just incredible:) I learned so much in conference and I can not wait to start applying what I learned. By far my favorite talk was the one by Elder Holland from the Saturday afternoon session. He made me think about where my desires are: in God and His people or in my own desire of worldly growth. It was an amazing talk for any person out there who wants to have more charity.

Prayer list: Gustavo, Aurora, Williams, Maria, and Yesenia

Our water pump still does not work...

We started working in those little towns that are new to our area. It was cool because when we entered I could just feel something. I believe that we will see some cool stuff over there:)

Oh and thank you for your prayers because Gustavo and Aurora got married finally and everything looks good for this weekend. I would only ask that you guys pray for them so that they get really excited and prepared!

Well I just love my area my companion and my life. Thank you for all the prayers that you are sending me! I love you!

Elder Paz

Well this week went by real fast! Ester had problems and well didn't end up getting baptized...but we haven't lost hope! she needs i...