Monday, December 30, 2013

 Hey kids!

Well this week was about a million times better than the last one. We actually had a decent week and contacted new people and committed a dew to baptism:) 

Elder Mora and I really tried to be diligent this week, and as well to develop our love and charity for the people here in our area:) I really have such a great love for my area!

So with the elders quorum we seem to be having  a less problems. We think its just the President and one of the other members that still have got some beef with us:) So me and Elder Mora have just tried to be more diligent with the work, and I think maybe it has helped a bit.

We found 5 new investigators yesterday! Two of them we are almost sure will be baptized. We had a very powerful lesson with those 2 and could really feel the power of the Spirit flowing through our words, like I haven´t felt in a very long time. I am incredibly excited to teach them:) 

These last weeks I have really tried to understand the Atonement a little more. I have started to take up the practice of repenting every night before I go to bed of the sins I have committed in that day. My what a great feeling it is to go to bed feeling clean! I also notice how when I am repenting every day, I sin a little bit less every day after the other:)

So Christmas was surprisingly pretty peaceful...with the exception of ginormous fireworks going off about every 2 minutes:) We ate a ton!!!!!!! We ate a lot of sheep pig and on Christmas Eve Turkey:) I probably ate too much...buuutttt you kind of have to here or people get mad at you...

Oh and we are teaching a girl named Dana now. She has had some really hard abuse in her life. I mean she cant even respond to questions and can´t talk very much. It´s really hard to see her this way, but I know that the Gospel Of Jesus Christ can help her so much! Your prayers for her would be greatly appreciated:)

This week for some reason Elder Mora and I had a blast! We cooked a couple times, and just had a lot of fun! Always remember to have fun! Or else life is just like a melon without sugar. Flavorless.

I love all you guys un buen! Always remember that you are all the coolest!

Elder Paz

Monday, December 23, 2013

 So this week stunk with lessons...just about everybody is really busy with all of their Christmas parties and what not, so we had record low for the numbers...also we got told off by our elders quorum for stuff that was either really small, like getting to lessons a little late, to false things like that we weren't at the Christmas party. It was bogus. But now the whole Elders Quorum thinks that we are all super lazy and aren't responsible at all. I have know what we did to cause all this. It really came out of nowhere...and me and my companion aren´t really sure what we are going to do...

Anyways the happy stuff now:)

I loved talkin to all you guys yesterday! It was really good:) Glad to know that you are all doing awesome:)

We baptized Candalaria this week!!!!! She´s such an incredible person:) She is going to be a great member:)

Also her son Pablo, who we were teaching before, came up to us and asked us when he can be baptized. Also after he went to church he told us that he was going to be there every week. Why can´t all people, member and nonmembers, be like him:)

There's a really cool scripture in Ether 12:4 that talks about faith. I learned that we increase our faith through obedience and hope. I already knew about obedience, but I hadn't thought about how important hope was. If we are just being obedient, but don't think anything will happen because we don't have hope, then neither will our faith increase!

Well guys email my secretary with  any other questions you've got for me!!:)

I love you all so much!

Elder Paz

Monday, December 16, 2013

 Hey fam!

So here's the list for the week:

We did not have very good numbers this week for some odd reason...

We had a really cool conference thing with the ward council and a member of the 70 of the area!

We had transfers today, but both me and the comp are staying again! Woo hoo!

I had a really cool experience with repentance this week and the sacrament:) I think I finally realized how we use the sacrament. Ever day we have to ask ourselves if we have sinned, and every day we have to repent. at the end of the week, before we partake of the sacrament, we ask ourselves the baptismal qs, found in the back of a missionaries planner. If you can answer all of the questions in the affirmative then you are worthy and ready to take the sacrament, and experience the atonement:) I really feel like I was able to do that this week:)

So I had a really good bday:) I opened up Julie's package, which is absolutely incredible, got cake from some members, and just had a good day:)

Well I really don't think that anything else to exciting happened...or did I already say that I can now make tortillas from straight up corn on the stock? Well I can.

I love you guys!

Elder Paz

Monday, December 9, 2013

 Hey fam!

This week was really good. We had some really awesome lessons that I will never forget in my whole life!

So my favorite lesson this week was with one of our investigators named Candalaria. Candalaria is very poor, as in one of her walls is made out of flattened out cardboard. Knowing her poverty, I obviously was a little nervous to each the law of tithing, but I knew that I had to be strong and show my faith for her so that she too, could have the faith to complete with the law of tithing. So when we got to her house, we asked her what she thought about the pamphlet that we had left in the previous appointment. She then proceeded to tell us about how she really wanted to live this law, but did not know if she could do so and feed herself and her husband, who has a disease and has not been able to work for the last 15 years, at the same time. Oh how my heart went out to her! We then told her a little more about the law of tithing and it`s history, shared experiences, and bore our testimonies about how we will be blessed if we live the law. What great faith she has! She told us that she will live the law of tithing after she is baptized! I have a such great love for this woman and am so glad that I have had the opportunity to teach her!

Me and Elder Mora also have gotten loads better at teaching together. I feel like we work very well together and am so glad he is my companion!

Our progressing investigators seem to have moved over to our other towns in our area. We now have one baptism from them, and 4 more investigators that are progressing really well. I really feel like we could have another set of missionaries to work that other area! The work is really starting to progress!

I love this people so much! I am so glad that I even have this opportunity to be a part of their salvation!

Also we baptized Miriam this week!!!!!!!! So cool!!! It`s really special if you know her circumstances: she was a Jehovah`s witness. So on Monday she was excommunicated and now is basically shunned by ALL of her family and friends. What awesome faith she has! She`s one of those converts that will be completely active for the rest of her life!

Also we started the process of making tortillas from scratch at a members house this week. By that I mean that this week we got whole corns on the cob and took off all the kernels with our bare hands. This week on Wednesday we are going to grind it all up by hand:) is is goin` to be metal.

So I would say I had a pretty awesome week! I sure as heck fire hope that you guys did too!!:) I love you all a ton!!

Elder Paz

Elder Pass

Monday, December 2, 2013

 Hey how's it goin folks!!:) So this week was wicked fast...not really sure where it went.

So I am getting really excited for the baptism of Miriam this week!!!!! So exciting to have the opportunity to baptize someone, especially when they are a Jehovah's Witness...:) She is so awesome!!

So we went to a part of our area called Ulapa this week. It was scary. It is exactly like Othello. Exactly. I got there and I was like, did I just go home? It really felt like I went home for a dew hours. Between the farms, cattle and canals, I felt like I was just out of town in Othello again. Anyways we met this guy who was a riding his mule around and talked to him for a little bit. He told us that he doesn't have a house, he just sleeps outside with his cattle. And I was like, I respect that.

Went to Pachuca again today. I bought 6 boxes of cereal at Walmart.

Elder Mora still likes to talk my ear off...

We only have 2 more weeks left in this transfer...

Elder Jones and I talk a lot...

Well to be completely honest I cant think of anything else to exciting that happened to us this week...really weird...

I feel really bad for not writing too much...I'll make it better next week fo sho:)

I love y all so much!!!!:)

Elder Paz

Well this week went by real fast! Ester had problems and well didn't end up getting baptized...but we haven't lost hope! she needs i...