Monday, November 4, 2013

 What a weird week! Here`s why:

Like I said before, I have quite an impressive amount of cereal. Let`s just say I have enough to never repeat a cereal in a week. Boom.

Also I got peaches:)

I will have a stone dragon on my doorstep when I have my own house.

I have found a store that sells cheese puffs in bags the size of a 12 year old. I do not exaggerate.

The language is coming!!!

I found a giant meat grinder, like 3 times the size of the one at home. And real cheap too, like 60 bucks. 

This is the last week of this transfer...bien rapido!

We played soccer today. My team consisted of 5 gueros and 1 mexicano. The other 1 guero y 5 mexicanos. We destroyed them. What`s up:)

Sooo my favorite lesson to teach to less actives is the familia: a proclamation to the world. Its so clear when we study that what we need to to to have success and unity in our families! We just need to apply all those things and we will be incredibly happy as families:)

So we had exchanges I think its called in English, and my comp for the exchanges was sick, so we were in the house all day...stunk.

Sooo we had the baptism this week of Yazaira, it was...interesting:) So here`s the deetsa for why:

we couldn't open the door to the boiler, so the water was super cold

because of this, the dad didn't want to baptize

also my companion wasn't there because we did mini exchanges with members from the ward. so I'm here with her dad for 15 minutes having no idea what to do. finally the comp got there. he did some persuasion and we ended up going for it.

so also by now the whole family kinda mad. 

so I'm baptizing, so I get in the water, and then I realize how cold it is. so here I am with  a 9 year old to baptize, and freezing water. so she come s down, doesnt say a word. I say the prayer, and baptize her. now I don't know if she didn't understand the plug your nose part, opened her mouth, or it was just the shock of the cold water, but she came out about ready to die. I'm not joking I was really scared. so with the family's mouths open I very hurriedly rushed Yazaira out of the water apologizing about 50 times. So by the time I got changed and everything we were all good:) and that, was by first experience baptizing:):) Still cool though:)

Well that's all folks!

Elder Paz

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Well this week went by real fast! Ester had problems and well didn't end up getting baptized...but we haven't lost hope! she needs i...