Monday, November 24, 2014

 Hey fam!

Well this week was a great week! We had changes today but me and my companion are staying here in Tecamac!!:)

So Genaro is awesome, but he is doubting a little bit if he is really ready to be baptized. Please pray for him so that he can feel ready!

Well our other investigator that is progressing a ton is also a Christian named Kari. We found her in the street, and she turned out to be amazing. In the 2nd lesson she actually asked us how she could pay her tithing at our church. Yeah, I know, golden. What she needs is consistency, a lot of times people like her start out really good but that fire goes down fastly. She is going to need your help so that that fire gets fed.

We are having quite a few problems with Ana and Saul. Saul is really doubting everything, as in he does not even really have a strong desire to know. Ana was not, but her husband Saul is making her no so sure. But wait, it gets better...this weekend Saul brought their pastor over to try to talk Ana out of being baptized. That was a sucker punch to the gut if I ever felt one. Anyways Saul at this point really is not to interested, and Ana is not sure what she needs. She really needs the spirit of discernment. She is reading a ton in the Book of Mormon and has been to church 4 times already. She has a baptismal date for this Friday and is definitely prepared, she just needs a little bit of faith so that she can get through all this, and well we just need a miracle for Saul. They need your help more that ever! I love them so much. I was almost crying in the last lesson because of all the stuff that is happening with them, please help them! They really mean the world to me and I do not want to lose such great people! They deserve the Celestial Kingdom, they just need that last little bit of faith!

I love you all and hope that you have a great week!!:)

Elder Paz

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Well this week went by real fast! Ester had problems and well didn't end up getting baptized...but we haven't lost hope! she needs i...