Monday, September 30, 2013

 Sooo this week was took me a few days to fully recover from being sick, now I feel normal:) So here´s the list:

There is a mission blog! And I am in it or was last week! 

So I think one of my least favorite things here is the immense amounts of food I have to eat. A few days ago I actually snuck food out in my backpack to avoid barfing from eating too much. I was actually gagging at every bite.

We helped but up a wall this week, was pretty fun:)

Ok so there was the absolutely hardest rain I have ever seen before in my life this week. For like  half an hour it looked like the sky was falling. It was incredible!

We had transfers today. Both me and my companion are staying in Santiago...I am still not sure what to think about that!

So we had some watermelon at a members house that they got from this big semi, and I swear it was the same exact kind as I grew! It looked and tasted exactly the same! It was so dang good:)

I really miss watermelon, apple cider, root beer, steak and spaghetti. I have though about building a cider press...see how that goes:)

So yesterday in church we had a class and this guy jumped from topic to topic, here's the list in order:




taking care of your kids

the poor


poor again

go to the temple

fast offerings

          it was awesome:)

so I have learned a lot this transfer. I mean a lot. I think the biggest things are patience and how to rely on the Lord. There were times in these past 6 week where I have never felt more alone in my life. I mean really, really alone. And it was the worst. But every time I was able to pray for comfort. The mission is really hard, impossible without the Lord, and so you learn to rely on him:) And with those hard times I have felt incredible joy from seeing people change their lives to follow Christ:) It really is a wonderful thing:)

I thing everybody should read Alma 5. It is probably thee most intense chapter in the whole book of Mormon, really cases you to look at your life! Everybody needs to STUDY it!!:)

Well I love all you guys so much! Buenas Suerte con todo!!!!!:)

Elder Paz

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